quarta-feira, dezembro 19, 2007

Tired Rant

Everyday, me and some friends find ourselves confined to a classroom filled with all kinds of mentally stagnant people. By now you must be thinking "Now that's new, LCC doesn't ring any bells does it? Idiot...", and you're right, I am an idiot. I admit it, I spend too much time doing things that do me no good while I could be studying, learning. Like writing this article for instance, only 1,5 people (at most) will waste valuable time reading this and still, I keep writing this kind of shit. However I'm not shaken by this fact because whoever reads this is as much of an idiot as I am.
Moving on, I keep asking myself if it's really worth it - and I'm not talking about writing blog articles, I clearly see that it's not - but will it do me any good to waste my mental strength with algorithms and numbers and all around useless theories? I ask this because I feel tired and unrewarded. Everything in LCC is just so hard to get. Teachers treat us like we're supposed to save the world, it's like an intellectual army training to prepare us for a market war that's on for the "good of mankind". Really, who gives a crap? And most of all, I'm pacifist. I rather spend my day playing with puppies. Jesus...I need a vacation.

Oh yes, I almost forgot, I absolutely HATE my numerical analysis teacher, he's an absolute dickhead. And since I'm on an insulting spree, Paulinho is also an anal whore. They should both be murdered for all I care.

PS - I've been meaning to right something in English. Well, I just did. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading this, I feel much better now.

2 Comentários:

Às 11:28 da manhã , Blogger Hitman disse...

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Às 11:29 da manhã , Blogger Hitman disse...

LOOOL. I feel you. Como diria o 50cent, loooool. Não acho que o quue aprendemos é inútl, quer dizer, algumas coisa parecem, enfim. Mas de facto e gravacta, eu percebo-te, subscrevo, tudo. Nesta altura apresento o mesmo sentimento geral que tu e gostava que tudo parasse ou até voltasse atrás, mas a vida continua, sem nós e tudo. Há que aguentar e pensar que de certeza lá fora nos espera a recompensa que neste momento tanta falta nos faz. Por outro lado, obtê-la será igualmente trabalhoso, ou até mais. Nem quero pensar mais nisso. De facto, acho que neste momento vou começar a pensar como fazer a vida negra ao cabeça de pila e à prostitua anal. LOOOOOOOOL. Já que eles me vão fazer a minha vida difícil, acho que é justo. Queria também aproveitar para dizer que não sou idiota, porque não desperçei tempo a ler o post, antecipei o que ias dizer ao pormenor, por isso nem preciso de ler. Cheers my fellow idiot. Ooops, I think this makes me an idiot too. Crap.... Hitman


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